The ulimate Surf and Gastronomy trip

Surf and Taste Experience

Discover a new spot  and a michelin starred restaurant everyday


Welcome to Hossegor !

Afternoon Transfert from Biarritz or Bordeaux Airport
Evening dinner › Restaurant Jean des Sables, Hossegor


Let's get started !

Morning › Les Culs Nus, Hossegor
Afternoon Hossegor Oysters
Evening › Restaurant de l’Hôtel du Palais
(1 Michelin star)



Not a hard monday, is it ?

Morning Les Cavaliers, Anglet
Afternoon Visit around Jambon de Bayonne
Evening  › Restaurant Villa de l’Etang Blanc, Seignosse
(1 Michelin star)


Let's take a break in the break

Morning › Les Estagnots, Seignosse
Afternoon › Cooking class with a chef
Evening › Chef à domicile


Relais de la poste

On the way to Bordeaux !

MorningSecret spot, Landes
AfternoonSaint Emilion wineyard
EveningLe relais de la Poste, Magescq
(2 Michelin stars)


A day of good memories !

MorningLa Gravière, Hossegor
AfternoonFoie gras Barthouil
EveningLes Prés d’Eugénie, Eugénie-les-Bains(3 michelin stars)



The fireworks !

MorningLafitenia, Guéthary
AfternoonVisit of a Fromagerie Pays-Basque
Evening  › La table des frères Ibarboure, Bidart
(1 Michelin star)


Time to think of your return trip

Morning Transfert to Biarritz or Bordeaux Airport


An Epic Cure of Surfing!

Here is the perfect trip to discover the best of French gastronomy and surfing in the same week.

The concept is simple :

Every morning our surf guide will take you to the best surf spot around

In the afternoon we will disclose the secrets of French Gastronomy through visits of wineyards, cheese factory and fine food places.

Every night you will experience the delicious cooking of a Michelin Starred restaurant

 If you don’t surf you can book our other morning activities

Jean des Sables, Hossegor


Hôtel du Palais, Biarritz

1  Michelin star 

Villa de l'Etang Blanc, Seignosse

1 Michelin star

Relais de la Poste, Magescq

2  Michelin stars

Les Prés d'Eugénie, Eugénie-les-Bains

3 Michelin stars

La Table des Frères Ibarboure, Bidart

1 Michelin star